Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Lea Sued: Her Forced Get Was Just Declared Null and Void

Lea Sued (Chama)

We at Mamzer Alert are saddened to have to profile the latest exhibit in the seemingly never-ending parade of rebellious women who make a mockery of the concept of marriage as being a בנין עדי עד, an everlasting bond.

Lea Chama and Yitzhak Yonatan Sued were married and lived in Mexico for a number of years, where they built a family. Things started to go wrong, and Lea started to agitate for a Get. She brought her case to the secular court, where she made false allegations against her husband which, sadly, is the normal modus operandi.

Meanwhile, the beisdin in Mexico declared that Yitzhak Yonatan was prepared to give a Get as soon as the outstanding issues were resolved, especially the wrongful and sinful alienation of the children from him. See Bais din letter  HERE  He also issued a מוסר מודעה (proclamation) that any Get procured from him by way of coercion or chicanery would be considered null and void. Therefore this is yet another reason that her GET is null and void and she maintains a status of eshet ish and any future children will be mamzeirim. Such has been declared  by a Bais Din in Monsey, Ny as still married to Yitzhak Yonatan Sued by virtue of obtaining an invalid GET . see letter HERE

Additional reasons why her Get is null and void are that she and her husband signed 2 documents at the Rabbanut's office in Israel, Document 1 and  Document2  stipulating conditions for this divorce. She subsequently violated those agreements after receiving her get, namely refusing her husband access to the children. Once again, her status are not mamzer alert's opinion, but rather decided by a Bais Din in Monsey that has verified the facts and has decided based on halocho. Lea used forceful tactics to obtain a GET which is possul according to halocho. She had the rabbanut detain her husband via a "TZAV IKUV seen  HERE

Therefore as a consequence of, and in direct response to this subterfuge, we announce to the world that her Get is null and void according to the Halacha and as per the Bais Din's letter seen above.. The Get is both מעושה (coerced) and מוטעה (false), and no man is allowed to date her. If she decides to use it anyway to remarry, let it be known that any child that is born from that union shall immediately be declared a mamzer. She reportedly lives in Mexico, so that community especially needs to be made aware of who Lea Sued (Chama) really is.

1 comment:

  1. I am from Mexico city and know this case well. Unfortunately this woman has received bad advice from her friends to go against the torah and stealn his children . Yitzchak is a tsaddik who learns torah. The mexican community know that this get is passul and the rabbanut in israel is corrupted.
