Friday, August 9, 2019

Menachem Mendel Feller Declared a 'Definite Mamzer' by the Bais Din

We at Mamzer Alert hereby make it known that Menachem Mendel Feller, a son born recently to Atara Michal Kreindler (nee Simkowitz) is a 'definite mamzer' who is forbidden to marry any Jewess who isn't also a mamzer. This status was pronounced in a letter put out by the Bes Din of the Central Rabbinical Congress of the United States and Canada. This tragic situation unfolded as a result of Mrs. Kreindler marrying someone else while she was still married to her husband Simcha Moshe Kreindler without receiving from him a get. We take note of the boy's lofty name which is a homage to greatness, and we sincerely hope that this token will help him overcome the almost insurmountable burden his mother has selfishly placed upon him from birth through no fault of his own. May this be the last totally unnecessary and preventable tragedy to occur due to the trampling upon the laws of the Torah by cynical individuals.

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